Flintshire County Council: Child to Adult (C2A) Team
The Child to Adult Disability team (C2A) work with children and young people from birth to approximately 25 years, the team is made up of social workers and community care officers. The remit can be defined in terms of working towards the best outcomes for children and young people who have a diagnosed learning disability and/or an enduring physical disability (this sometimes includes children with very poor physical health). Note that when referring to C2A, if you have a child or young person who has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) only they will not meet the criteria; they would need to also have a learning disability (LD) or physical disability (PD).
A great deal of the work involves working alongside special educational needs settings to formulate a plan with young people who are transitioning from mandatory education into adulthood, which is why the age range is up to around 25.
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Useful topics and articles
The role of the child to adult team