Alice Cook
Alice is a Family Assessment Practitioner who has been working in child protection for five years.
She completed a BA in Psychology and Education at Durham University and is currently completing a PhD within the Health and Social Care department at Royal Holloway University. Her research is focused on the impact that unresolved attachment-based trauma can have on parenting capacity and the efficacy and applicability of parent-infant psychotherapy within child protection.
Alice has a lecturing post at the Centre for Child Protection at the University of Kent. She has published work in the Child and Family Social Work and Children England journals and written a chapter in Assessing Disorganized Attachment Behaviour in Children: An Evidence-Based Model for Understanding and Supporting Families.
Alice has worked with Community Care Inform to provide social workers with effective direct work techniques and is an ADAM (Assessment of Disorganised Attachment and Maltreatment) project associate, delivering training and presentations to a number of organisations in the UK.