Knowledge and Practice Hubs

Female genital mutilation (FGM) knowledge and practice hub

woman at window Photo: Andrew Lever/Fotolia

Learning points

  • Good practice in safeguarding girls from FGM, such as the use of protection orders and the national risk indication system.
  • Signs that a girl could be at risk of FGM, either immediately or in the longer term, or that FGM has occurred.
  • What social workers need to do if FGM has occurred, including the duty to report known cases involving under-18s to the police.

Resources in this hub can help you meet point 5 of the Knowledge and skills statement for child and family practitioners: Abuse and neglect of children.

Case law and legislation

Case law. Photo of a law book and a gavel on a table.

Female genital mutilation and cultural competence: AS v London Borough of Waltham Forest & Anor [2024] EWHC 2808 (Fam) The judge gave a list of ‘lessons to be learned’ from a case where a local authority maintained a prohibited steps order banning a girl from having a passport for over 12 years to prevent her travelling to Somalia, demonstrating assumptions, misundertandings and errors in relation to FGM risk.
B and G (Children) (No 3) [2015] (FGM allegations, domestic violence) The judgement in this case cited that the council had not provided evidence to establish that child G either had been or was at risk of FGM, so it could not be taken into account in the final ruling.

Birmingham City Council v Sarfraz Riaz and Others (2015)
The judgement in this case cited recent amendments to the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, which inserted automatic lifelong anonymity protection for any victim of FGM.

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