Learning points
- How to distinguish child sexual exploitation (CSE) from other forms of sexual abuse, and the links between CSE and other forms of exploitation and harm.
- The common signs of CSE, including physical, psychological and behavioural indicators and the risk and vulnerability factors that can make children and young people more vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
- What research and people with lived experience say make for effective interventions and support, including language and approaches that build trust, enable victims to talk about their experience and reduce stigma and victim-blaming.
- How to apply an inclusive safeguarding approach to support children and young people from minority groups, and how to work with parents.
- Test your knowledge of law and research and check your decision making in relation to a case of CSE (only available to organisations with a workforce licence).
Resources in this hub can help you meet point 5 of the Knowledge and skills statement for child and family practitioners: Abuse and neglect of children.
Click the play arrow above to hear Kelechi speaking about what she hopes practitioners will get out of the resources in the hub, and what motivated her to produce new material on language in relation to CSE, and making safeguarding practice inclusive of race, gender and sexuality.
Kelechi Ukandu is an independent safeguarding consultant, trainer and safeguarding supervisor at KU Consultations. She also works as a Significant Incident Learning Process (SILP) independent reviewer, commissioned by local authorities to review child deaths and serious incidents. She has worked with local authorities on their child exploitation and serious youth violence strategy. Within her work as a consultant, she helps practitioners understand the intersections between race, trauma, mental health and child protection. She provides expert assistance to various safeguarding partnerships, acting as both a change supporter and a critical friend.
Kelechi also worked for 17 years in the NHS, holding numerous roles including nurse, health visitor, team leader, safeguarding advisor, CAMHS child protection lead, named nurse for safeguarding, and strategic safeguarding partnership lead.
Impact of sexual exploitation
Practice response
Multimedia learning
Learn as a group: a contextual response to peer-on-peer sexual exploitation
Supported learning
Interactive case scenario: peer-on-peer sexual exploitationSupported learning content is only available to organisations with a workforce licence. Find out more about supported learning here.
Supporting children and young people
Multimedia learning
Learn as a group: child sexual exploitation – learning from a service user’s experience
Multimedia learning
Legal context
Supported learning
Quiz: legislation, case law and researchSupported learning content is only available to organisations with a workforce licence. Find out more about supported learning here.