On this page, we have mapped resources on CC Inform Children to the government’s Post-qualifying standard: knowledge and skills statement for child and family practice supervisors (KSS for practice supervisors).
Use the buttons below to go to the resource map for each of the eight parts of the PQS/KSS for practice supervisors. There are close links between the parts of the statement so a number of resources are likely to help you with more than one area, but we have tried to highlight the most relevant content for each part.
The map is also available as a printable PDF here.
Further resources
- The role of the knowledge and skills statements/post-qualifying standards in ASYE and career development
- Preparing for assessed role play
- Supported learning – interactive knowledge quizzes (only available to organisations with a workforce licence for Inform)
- Resource map for the knowledge and skills statement for child and family practitioners
If you have any suggestions for how Community Care Inform can help you further with the standards, supporting newly qualified workers, or as the DfE’s Early Career Framework (ECF) develops, please get in touch.