Knowledge and Practice Hubs

Looked-after children knowledge and practice hub

Grandparents Reading Book With Baby Granddaughter At Home Photo: fotolia/Monkey Business

Learning points

  • What do children and young people in care want from social workers? Understand more about children’s experiences, from going into care to leaving it, and the ways in which you can support them through your practice.
  • Refresh your knowledge of key aspects of work with looked-after children and young people, including assessment, care planning and review.
  • How to work well with birth parents, including supporting behaviour change, assessment and rehabilitating the home.

Note about terminology: this hub refers in different contexts to children in care; in the care system; care-experienced children/young people or care-experienced people; those with lived experience of care and children who are looked after. We also continue to refer to a ‘looked-after child’ or ‘looked-after children’ to reflect the legislation and Department for Education guidance. We will keep this terminology under review.

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