Community Care Inform webinars feature experts who share the latest research and practice advice of specific areas of social work and children’s social care, and address practitioners’ questions. Click on the links below to access recordings of our past webinars. Full transcripts are provided with each recording.
Upcoming webinar topics include social worker-parent relationship dynamics, creating neurodiversity inclusive work environments, self-harm in young people and working with asylum-seeking children. When registration for each live webinar opens, information and the link to sign up will be published here, and emailed to all Community Care Inform Children licenceholders.
Enhance your understanding of neurodivergence and build your knowledge and confidence in working neuro-inclusively with your neurodivergent colleagues. This live session will explore how neurodivergent experiences may intersect with other identities and look at how colleagues, managers and organisations can develop inclusive processes and practice within social work and social care organisations.
Date and time: Wednesday 26 March, 11am to 12pm
Speaker: Jenni Guthrie, social work educator and researcher, lead for BASW Neurodivergent Social Workers (Student and NQSW) Special Interest Group and co-director of Neuro Inclusive Solutions.Click here to get your promo code to attend for free as a Community Care Inform licenceholder and sign up for the live webinar.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for on this webinar page, do let us know.