Nottinghamshire County Council
About this page
Nottinghamshire County Council Children and Families Department are working with Community Care Inform to ensure that all staff can access good quality learning materials and resources to support work with children and families.
This page highlights content from Community Care Inform that fits with current service priorities. The content is selected and regularly updated by the workforce development manager and principal child and family social worker.
Please ensure you are logged in (use the green button in the top right menu if not) to view and access all the resources.
Using research to evidence neglect: quick guide
Short read 5 minutes
Short read 5 minutes
Different types of neglect: quick guide
Short read 5 minutes
Short read 5 minutes
Child neglect: overview
Long read 30 minutes
Long read 30 minutes
Multimedia learning
Video: interview with Jenny Molloy on her experience of living with neglect
Video 10 minutes
Supported learning
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, Interagency Safeguarding Procedures: Neglect
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
Child and Young Person’s Neglect Toolkit
Child and Young Person’s Neglect Toolkit
Management and leadership
Asking questions in supervision
Medium read 15-20 minutes
Medium read 15-20 minutes
Making the transition from practitioner to manager
Long read 30 minutes
Long read 30 minutes
Promoting critical reflection in supervision
Long read 30 minutes
Long read 30 minutes
Multimedia learning
Learn on the go podcast: social work supervision
Podcast 35 minutes
Supervision: how to shake it up
Short read 10 minutes
Short read 10 minutes
Nottinghamshire County Council – Mandatory Training
Attendance Management and Wellbeing Training
Attendance Management and Wellbeing Training
Nottinghamshire County Council – Mandatory Training
H&S Essentials – Part 1
H&S Essentials – Part 1
Nottinghamshire County Council – Training
Becoming an Effective Leader
Becoming an Effective Leader
Nottinghamshire Top 10 Inform resources – November
Target Learning: Focus on neglect training and development
Trauma-informed practice: sign up for our new course!
This course, based on Community Care Inform Children guides and resources, will provide you with a refresher about the essential aspects of the social work role in relation to trauma-informed practice. Launching on Monday 22nd November 2021, it will be delivered over three weeks via email newsletters. You will receive two lessons a week and each lesson should take around 5 to 10 minutes to read through, with an activity at the end – typically an issue to reflect on or discuss with colleagues. Please can everyone have completed this course by September 2022.
This course, based on Community Care Inform Children guides and resources, will provide you with a refresher about the essential aspects of the social work role in relation to trauma-informed practice. Launching on Monday 22nd November 2021, it will be delivered over three weeks via email newsletters. You will receive two lessons a week and each lesson should take around 5 to 10 minutes to read through, with an activity at the end – typically an issue to reflect on or discuss with colleagues. Please can everyone have completed this course by September 2022.
Trauma-informed knowledge and practice hub
Providing access to articles, webinars and more
Providing access to articles, webinars and more
One – Bitesize neglect resources
Two – Group Learning – neglect toolkit
Three – NSPCC Neglect E-learning
Four – The impact of neglect and interventions
- Impact of prenatal neglect
- Impact of infant neglect: 0 to two years
- Impact of neglect on the pre-school child: two to four years
- Impact of neglect on the primary school child: five to eleven years
- Neglect: impact on the adolescent
- Learn as a group: neglect – understand what it felt and looked like for Jenny Molloy
- Video: neglect – a lived experience
- Neglect cases – a model for concurrent interventions
- Neglect – Interactive case scenario
Five – Evidencing neglect
Six – Good chronology